My True Life Story
The strength of my soul, was born on the back of challenging moments, that brought me to my knees.
Music: Forbidden Love by Sonja Venturi.
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Memory is sacred ground, therefore I am bringing the value of my lived experiences to the arena, so that I can then feel an authentic sense of fulfilment, that all my life’s ups and downs have been for a purpose, but more importantly, for anyone else who is struggling with their own self-worth, that they might gain hope and strength to live their best life.
You can still create a beautiful, happy and peaceful life for yourself, even if you are broken. That heartbeat in your chest is a sign of hope.
There is life after trauma, life after rejection, after lies, after loss, after betrayal, after abuse, after failure and after heartbreaks.
To see and understand our predicaments clearly is a first step in going BEYOND FORGIVENESS.
I want to turn to the inherent goodness that lies within each of us, making our life into a magnificent song, in tune with the Beloved. If we remember we are not the body, that our mind and our personality is just a tool to negotiate life, remembering instead that we are divine beings, having experiences that our soul calls forth, then we will be able to get through every aspect of life.
My hope and prayer is that my story will give inspiration to the reader, to rise above any traumatic experiences or dramas they may have gone through in their life, therefore through self-enquiry, find peace and salvation.