Powerful, beautiful and inspiring life story.
This wonderful true-life autobiography held me spellbound from start to finish. The author has lived the most spectacular life all over the world and maintained close friendships with a wide variety of well-known people including Royalty. The author also had the blessing of learning from, and working with a world-renowned healer, and eventually became a sought-after healer herself. Through inner guidance the author trained and became an Inter-Faith Minister. The author loved with an open-hearted courage, and then when the lows came, she found it deep within herself to forgive and to move beyond that “to arrive peacefully in the soul, where there resides only Love and Peace”. The author’s life journey ultimately guided her to India and to meeting the Divine Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba, whom she recognised as her Spiritual Master. She had come Home. This autobiography truly shows the power of the human spirit when manifesting from a loving, forgiving, courageous and compassionate heart.